Who We Are?

Ethical Principles

Pera Yapı Ethical Principles Procedure; In order to create a working culture that includes fairness and respect in all areas where Pera Yapı operates, it determines the principles that cover employees and all business partners involved in Pera Yapı activities and guide every stage of management in all areas affected by company actions.

Pera Yapı adopts the vision and mission of the Company and works with family consciousness in line with the goals set. The principles of respect for people, respect for the environment, respect for the laws of the countries in which it operates, and respect for the work done are indispensable values for employees and all business partners involved in Pera Yapı’s activities. The virtues of truthfulness, honesty, transparency and equality are not compromised under any circumstances. All real and legal persons operating under the roof of Pera Yapı are committed to the highest quality in their work within the framework of the Ethical Principles Procedure to which they are bound. Pera Yapı aims to respect human rights and civil liberties enshrined in the Universal Declaration of Human Rights in all its actions.

Our Code of Ethics serves as a guide to create a trust-based relationship between our subsidiaries and stakeholders.

It is the primary responsibility of all our employees to know and act in accordance with our Code of Ethics.